The Tootler

The Talk

The Tootler gives the talk dressed in the uniform of a 19th Century Road Coach Guard.
The full talk, including the coach-horn demonstration, lasts just over an hour but can be adapted to suit the time you have available, either in the morning afternoon or evening
There are many pictures, both historical and from present day coaching adventures. The Tootler provides his own computer and projector and of course, he is delighted to answer questions about the coaching scene.
An A5 flier and A4 poster can be personalised to help you advertise your event and The Tootler offers this as part of his service.
The Tootler is based in West Berkshire but is ready to travel - though distances over 20 miles will incur modest travelling expenses in addition to his fee.

"Most informative and entertaining talk - you make a good ambassador
for coaching - the highlight had to be the Horn and Calls"
Berkshire Farm Women's Club